Edward Klein is the author of this book and he also had got title of New York Times Bestselling Author for the book The Truth About Hillary.
The Dark Side Of Obama
Every man is a moon and has a [dark] side which he turns towards nobody; you have to slip around behind if you want to see it. - Mark Twain
This is a reporter's books, During the past year and a half, I have interviews nearly two hundred people, both inside and outside the White House. Many of these people have known Barack Obama for more than twenty years - from his earliest days in Chicago. Some of them were positive about Obama, others were negative, but the stories they told me had a remarkable consistency.
Bound in dozens of four-inch-thick three-right notebooks, my transcribed notes run for almost a thousand pages and tell the story of a man who is a bottom temperamentally unsuited to be the chief executive and commander in chief of the United States of America. Here in the these interviews we come face to face with something new in American politics - The Amateur - a president who is incpt in the arts of management and governance, who doesn't learn from his mistakes, who therefore repeats policies that make our economy less robust and our nation less safe. We discover a man who blames all his problems on those with whom he disagrees ("Washington," "Republicans," "the media"), who discards old friends and supporters when are no longer useful (Democrats, African-Americans, Jews), and who is so thin skinned that he constantly complains about what people say and write about him, We come to know a strange kind of politician, on who derives no joy from the cut and thrust of politics, but who clings to the narcissistic of the presidency.
This portrait of Obama is radically at odds with the image of a centrist, pragmatic, post-partisan leader that his political handlers have tried to create. And it is a far cry from Obama most Americans remember from four years ago. Many of the people I interviewed, including Republicans who voted against him, wondered what had happened to that Obama - the young, articulate African-American senator who burst upon the political scene by presenting him as a new kind of politician, a peacemaker, a mediator, and a conciliator who promised to heal the rift between red and blue America?
Where did he vanish?
Did he even exist?
Was he figment of his own imagination, or of out imagination - or both?
How did he turn out to be the most divisive president in recent American history?
Will Americans finally comes to recognize the dark side of Barack Obama in the presidential election of 2012?
The Amateur [Kindle Edition]
The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House [Audiobook, Unabridged] [Audio CD]
These are some critical question I set out to answer in this book. My job as a reporter was complicated by the fact that Obama and his advisers have gone to elaborate lengths to hide his dark side, However, I have learned as a journalist that if you look long enough and hard enough and carefully enough, most truths are discoverable. As you will see in this page that follows, I chose to launch my investigation in Chicago, where Obama first donned his disguise as an ideological wolf in sheep's clothing.
"Ever since I've known him, Obama has had delusions of grandeur and a preoccupation with his place his history," one of his oldest Chicago acquaintances me. "He is afflicted with megalomania. How else can you explain the chutzpah of an obscure community organizer who began writing his autobiography before he was thirty years old - and before he had any accomplishments to write about? And how else can you explainthe chutzpah of first - term United States senator, who believed he was qualified for the most difficult job in the world - the president - ever though he had never held a real job in his life?
"You can explain it with any numbers of words: arrogance, conceit, egotism, vanity, hubris," this person continued. "But whatever word you choose, it spells the same thing - disaster for the country he leads."
Obama's support claim that he been falsely charged with being a leftwing ideologue. But based on my reporting, I concluded that Obama is actually in revolt against the values of the society he was elected to lead. which is why he has refused to embrace American exceptionalism - the idea that Americans are a special people with a special destiny - and why he has railed at the capitalist system, demonized that wealthy, and embraced the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Of course, Obama doesn't see things that way. And therein lies the challenge for conservative. As Peter Wehner, a senior fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, points out, "Barack Obama may be a lousy president... but he's a very good campaigner." He is determined to get reelected and go down in history books as a transformative president who turned America into a European-style democratic-socialist welfare state.
Shortly after Obama entered the White House, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner warned him, "Your legacy is going to be preventing the second Great Depression."
It may finally have becomes too much for the rest of us.
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